Objective To observe the change of oxygen utilization coefficient ( O_2UC) of internal jugular vein; 目的观察颈内静脉血氧利用率(O2UC);
Objective: To investigate the relationship between prognosis and alteration of oxygen ( utilization) coefficient ( O_2UC) in patients with sepsis. 目的:探讨脓毒症患者氧利用率(O2UC)的变化与预后关系。
Oxygen utilization coefficient in predicting the severity of critical illness 氧利用率对急危重症的预测作用
Relationship between prognosis and alteration of oxygen utilization coefficient in patients with sepsis 脓毒症患者氧利用率的变化与预后关系
Meanwhile, with air supply and other conditions unchanged, a relatively centralized arrangement of the aerators increases the aerating capacity and improves the oxygen utilization coefficient. 同时,在供气量和其它条件不变的情况下,如果把曝气器相对集中布置,将会增加充氧能力,提高氧利用率。
To evaluate change of oxygen utilization coefficient and prognosis in critically ill patients 危重病人氧利用率变化及预后评价
Objective: To research significance and alteration of oxygen utilization coefficient ( O2UC) in emergency patients undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitations ( CPR). 目的:探讨急诊心肺复苏患者氧利用率(O2UC)的变化及意义。